'eF Babe' + 'Jay Baba'= eFJay

Togetherness, Tranquilty, Love, Care, Affection, Respect, Serenity, Value, Admiration, Greatness, Gratification, Satisfaction, Blessings...

Wednesday 18 June 2008

Ef babe Love Chronicles (The 'Signs' episode)

"I'm not sure of what i see, Cupid don't mess with me..."

"By their fruits, ye shall know them. Are grapes picked from thorns or figs from thistles?" (Matthew 7.16)

How's everyone doing? Hope you are all having a great week. My week is going great, i arrived chicago yesterday, the weather is lovely here plus my fam here live close to the beach, how lovely is that. Let the shopping and beach trip beginnnn!!!! lol

I decided to do a post on signs... not zodiac signs silly!!! I don't believe in all that jibberish, lol. By signs, i mean behavioural traits people exhibit that help you judge their character. For the purpose of this post, i'd be focusing on serious relationships.

There are certain things people do that should bring us to the realisation that 'i need to run from this dude/babe'. Things that should bring us to the realisation that we are incompatible with some people, that should make us walk without looking back, in some cases run as fast as our legs can carry us.

I once dated this guy that thought it was okay to be rude to his mum and elder sisters. He thought it was ok to use to words 'bitch' or 'fat bitch' in the same sentence as his mum or sisters. He also had major temper issues, apparently that was his excuse for bad mouthing his family. I was always told that you can tell how a man will treat his girlfriend/wife from how he treats his mum and his sisters. It really bothered me at the time that he had no regard for his mum or sisters, instead of me to leave the fool, i thought but he is really sweet to me, he is just a little immature, i'm sure he'd outgrow that awful behaviour. This goat was also a selfish mofo; all he thought about 99% of the time was himself. I thought he'd grow out of that too... boy was i wrong!

The thing is, some things are black and white whether we like to admit it or not. Certain kinds of behaviour are just not acceptable!

A man that has no regard for his Mother and Sisters cannot possibly know how to treat women. If he shouts at his ma, dont think because he shags you he wont shout at you, he will! and no my love he is not boyfriend material talk less of husband material, get rid of him fast!!! On the other hand, if a man treats his mum like a queen and his sisters like his princesses, you should hold on to him; i can tell you that i have first hand proof of that.

A sign to look out for in a potential dominating, voilent wife beater/control freak; if a man thinks it is ok to shout at you like a dog, to swear at you, or talks to you like you are 5 years old, and almost slaps you because his food is not ready or drags you by your hair or holds your arm till it hurts... honey, chances are he won't make a loving husband.

A man who believes women belong in the kitchen and have no place is elsewhere is certainly not boyfriend or hubby material(not for me at least) or a dufus that thinks its ok for men to cheat but not for women. Hisssss!

Just so it does not look like i'm picking on men, there are signs to look for in women as well.

Some women do not believe in cooking, lol, they don't know how to cook, they don't like to cook, they do not see the necessity... thing is some men don't mind, but some really do... I once heard this girl say "me, i can't cook for any man" lol! dudes you might want to check that. Some girls do not have any motherhood plans, neither do they believe in wifery, some don't see why they should have to clean up after anyone.
These signs, are just some of the million-gazillion signs to look out for in people, they should not be taken for granted.

Anyways people! Take care! I'm going to the beach mehn... lol

'Ef babe'


Unknown said...

How're you my dear? Still trying to catch up. Have been a bit busy. I'll catch up soon. Hope you're enjoying your break.

You've said it dearie... the signs are always there but we don't often see them cos we only want to see what we want to see. That's when we act to our detriment. May we have the courage to really see when we need to.

bumight said...

that's very true. When a lot of babes talk about the things their men do, I just think: the signs ought to have been there all along, u prolly just ignored it.

Buttercup said...

interestin points u have there....but theres also a 3rd scenario(i think) for the signs to look for in a guy: a guy who treats his mom n sis as queens, u expect him to do the same for u but he ends up being a mama's boy, doin err damn thing she says, most times not respectin ur own wishes..i think girls shud be a lil wary of guys that idolize their moms, dnt get me wrong, i love a guy that respects n loves his mom but yea, he shud also have some space for me, he aint marryin his mum!

eFJay said...

@ buttercup
I thot i remembered to put those kind of guys in the post, the ones that their mum can call at 2.00am in the morning to fix a light bulb and they would get up like a zombie!... u r rite babe, its true.

ef babe

Nigerian Drama Queen said...

There is sooo much truth in this! The way a man treats his Mother and/or his sisters, reflects the way he will treat you! And your observations on women were on point as well! In the words of Maya Angelou: ''When someone show you who they are, Believe them!''
Nice blog you have hear! Your writing style is very clear and concise! Thanks for stopping by mine!!

Afrobabe said...

Lol..so true about the behavioral theory…especially the man one..I dated a guy who laughingly told my friend and I how his dad beat his mum till her tooth came off cos she was running her mouth….We didn’t laugh…couldn’t get why a man would stand by and see his mum beaten…should have left the fool…some months later he beat the living daylights out of me…

eFJay said...

He wat? thunder fire him!!!

thnx babe

uNWrItten* said...

babe! u are so right..its crazy..dating is the time when people show who they are going to be in the relationship..so its best to be wary..

how far now?..what are u buying me from chicago?lol

BlogVille Idol said...

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Tairebabs said...

Hey girl, I enjoyed reading this post. Well said. I can't stand men that curse at women or even generally. I feel it's so unnecessary. You are so right. I think the signs are always there but we are blinded by our feelings and so we choose to ignore them.

O'Dee said...

Babe, update now.

Howz J-baba?

konko Below aint bad.

uNWrItten* said...

like u need to update sharply!