'eF Babe' + 'Jay Baba'= eFJay

Togetherness, Tranquilty, Love, Care, Affection, Respect, Serenity, Value, Admiration, Greatness, Gratification, Satisfaction, Blessings...

Thursday 8 May 2008


Hey Y'all!!! How's everyone doing? Summer's started(or not! lol!), Hpe everyone that has exams is doing ok.... A Big Goodluck to all of you again!

I know we are long overdue for an update, no vex, i've been tryna prep for exams o! As for Jaybaba, he's had his exam and turned in all his coursework so he is literally done with his masters(YAY!!!!), he just has to turn in his dissertation and thats it! And the grad ceremony is in december, i will tie my big gele! you are all welcome to join me! LOL! Thank God o!

I've warned him that if he should attempt any degree again, he is on his own! (technically he has like four; Computer sci Bsc, Information Management Msc, Theology, International Business Msc)

I was gonna blog yesterday o, but i could not, you won't believe what happened to me!



Ok so apparently, there's a list here (quite long to be honest) of drugs that can cause constipation. You might want to check the list out as many people would end up taking at least one or more of the drugs in their life time as it has even the likes of Tylenol and Nurofen on it.

Me i have been taking Codeine for years now for period pains, headaches and pain in general cause people with stomach ulcers can't take anything with Ibuprofen and of course we all know paracetamol can only do so much for you. I already knew that Codeine causes constipation so i used to drink a lot of water and it worked fine, i was never really that constipated.

So sha o, recently i had blood work done and the doctor said i had no vitamin d whatsoever and he prescribed me vitamin d injections. They did not have any so he prescribed Calcichew, and this stupid man did think to mention that babe o since u are already taking codeine, if you happen to take both together u will need laxatives. I sha took them the same day or in the space of a day between each other.

Lo and behold! Yesterday i woke up with one crazy ass lower back pain, i was like 'gini?, can somebody be on their period twice in like 2 weeks ni?' lol! I now went to the toilet o! that's when i knew what was popping! My Good God! I thot i will pass out in that toilet yesterday o! Nothing i did not do, prayed, cried for help, screamed, begged! (STOP LAUGHING)

I spent the whole day in bed cos i could not move, i could not sit, my back really hurt... It now jus clicked to me that may be it was my medicine cos i knew i had been drinking plenty water. Then i checked online and i found out it was the medicine. I was angry ehn! I sha crawled out of bed at night to go to the supermarket to buy DulcoEase, Anusol, Orange Juice, Bananas and Tangerine

I feel much better now... I'm sure by tomorrow i'd be good as new... I can laugh about it now o, but yesterday ko ti e funny! Boo was quite sweet about it tho. I called my brother to tell him and he was almost rolling on the floor laughing! I called my mum too, 'she was ahhh! pele o! take orange!' I was like idi mi (my behind) really hurts mummy, she said 'Pele, fi robb si' R u kidding me ??? Robb! I didnt even want to start with her, so i did not even argue or comment! When i told my brother his ma told me to apply rubb to my 'behind' he laughed sooo hardddd!!!! Later on at night, my mum and dad called to see how i was doing, that is how my dad was now saying that back in the day when people have piles what they do is sit on a bucket of hot water! I was like r u joking?? LOL!!!! I was like anyway daddy, i dnt hv pile jo, its constipation! LOL!!!

What i actaully wanted to blog about today was 'Baby fat, hair nets, wrappers and diets' guess i'd have to do that tomorrow.

I have to get back to my books rite about now!

Have a good weekend people!


'Ef Babe'


O'Dee said...

Ef babe, how body?
I see ur blog has a new face.

10ks 4 stopping by my space. Boo is great oh.
I have tagged u, or is it u will b tagged by next friday, so watch out.

will b back to read this post.

Unknown said...

That was so funny. I'm trying not to laugh. E ya, pele o, aburo mi. tell Jaybaba to look after u well well o. All the best in your exams, I'm praying for u. Muuah!

O'Dee said...

Babe, i must say i laughed. am sure u r much btr.
J-baba is a guru oh, ns only him pack all those degrees?

Anya Posh said...

what er...jaybaba has a degree in Theology? wow...I dunno what to say. What will he do with that? Is he planning to become a pastor or christian scholar or something?

As per the constipation, my dear you would've taken a deep breath and started jumping. I mean, really. You should've started hopping madly. Then all the stuff that was blocking your passage-way would've just moved below - as bowel below!

Afrobabe said...

lmao...ok I am not laughing oh...only wheezing from laughter...

kpele ehhnn next time sit on a bucket of hot water or better yet drink the hot water....

Mennnnn I envy boo all those degrees oh...Wish I could get my lazy ass up to even do a masters...

ablackjamesbond said...

Pele jare.
Its hard not to laugh though.

uNWrItten* said...

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol
glad u feel better..hehehehe

eFJay said...

@ Oluwadee
Tag me ke? Jaybaba na real guru o and yes i'm fine now thanks!

@ Naijalines
Thank u Egbon, Jaybaba is lookin after me really well!

His Theology degree is not like bachelors degree, its one of those ones you get 4rm bible school

Continue laffin o! Me i wnt sit on any hot water bucket o! lol!
Jaybaba is quite a genius, i cnt even dare what he has done

Thanks sha! Sha dnt laff at me!

What is eeeewww? see ur mouth! lol!I'm fine now, thnx

'ef babe'

Tinu said...

na wa for jaybaba ohhh..na only him wey won read book!!! kaiiii!!!

eya pele...eat loads of fruits and ver and drinks loads of water..it happens to the best of us!!!

Tairebabs said...

OMG, this was so funny. the part about applying robb just killed me. exactly the kind of thing i expect my fokes to say.

Kpele shay. lol


ef babe you are cracking me up!!! Your mama says to put robb and your father tells you to sit on a bucket?


Anyway, i hope you are much better now. Constipation is soo embarassing. I have a story that if I shared on my blog, i could never walk out of my house again for fear of bumping into any bloggers that read my blogs...

lol! Thanks for the very good laugh.

Chris Ogunlowo said...

Hey pretty,
U've been tagged.

Details on my blog ;)

Unknown said...

Hey Aloofar,

Did you just call Efjay 'pretty'. If Jaybaba catches you ehn...?

Jaybaba, watch out! Someone is eyeing your iyawo o.

Jay said...

Hahahahah...omg...this is too funny

Your parents's are funny oo, but your mum is the best...rub on your behind lol!!!!

Nice blog....cracked me up too.

eFJay said...

@ naijalines
aloofar cldnt possible be eyeing jaybaba's wifey! Ko to be! lol

@ jarrai
Glad u found the post funny

'ef babe'

Jennifer A. said...

I have to admit I also laughed when I saw ur mum told u to apply ROBB!!!! Lolllllll! Hope u're feeling wayyy better now! :)

Beyond said...

heyya, sorry. was kinda difficult not to laugh~ very funny.

Chris Ogunlowo said...

Since one has to be careful calling another person's babe "pretty", Jaybaba, my apologies.

Naijalines, ofe ko ba mi, abi?


eFJay said...

@ aloofar:
apologies accepted!!!
I agree with you though, She is really "Pretty"


Unknown said...

My aburo is very pretty, Aloofar could not help but appreciate the work of God.

@ Aloofar, mi o ko ba e o. Oto ni mo so, abi be ko?

Aburo, this is to wish you good luck for Monday. I'm sure you'll trash that paper for a big A.

Unknown said...

Lol you caught me laughing.